What’s The Best Way To Keep A Car Unused For A Year


You can find that you will not be using your car for some time like one year. This could be because you have switched the means of transport. The car can also be left unused after you have gone for business trips to other countries. There are several tips to ensure your car is safe even when not in use. Proper maintenance should be ensured to avoid any cost incurred in repairing the car.

Here are some tips to follow to ensure the car is safe

Cover the car using car covers

When you intend to set aside your car for a year, then you can opt for the car covers. The covers will protect the car from any contaminants which can cause corrosion to the paint. It also protects the car from rain and sunlight. Direct exposure to the sunlight will affect the car’s paint thus making the car look dull and old. You can go through car cover reviews to get the best cover that suits your car.

Apply ceramic coating

 Many people would ask what is ceramic coating is. Ceramic coating is the additional layer to the car’s paint to enhance the protection of the exterior surface of the car. The hydrophobic layer formed offers protection against any contaminants which affect the car’s paint. If the car is coated it will still have its shiny look even after a year.

Ceramic coating will also protect the car from the sunlight. The UV rays from the sun accelerate the rate of oxidation hence ruining the car’s paint. If you leave the car outside under a shady area after coating you will be assured of proper safety. Coating prevents the birds dropping from sticking on the surface of the car. This is because the coating is repellant to such contaminants. Since you will not be using the car for some time, the coating will make the car still retain its glossy appearance.

Steps to apply ceramic coating

There are many guidelines on how to apply the ceramic coating. You can opt to DIY using the ceramic kits available. All you need is high-quality ceramic products like the NexGen ceramic spray and the last coat. With these products, you will only spray on the surface of the car. The NexGen and The Last Coat sprays are insoluble thus forming a strong shield against any corrosion. Spraying is faster as compared to the use of other products.

Here are the steps to follow

  1. Wash the car. Washing the car will remove any debris which may interfere with the coating. Use a powerful detergent to remove any tough stains.
  2. Apply the coating. Spray the ceramic coating on the exterior surface of the car. This is a faster application if you are using incredible products like the Nexgen ceramic spray. It helps form a strong protective layer to the car for a longer duration.
  3. Let the coating dry for some time. Buff the surface using a dry towel or cloth to attain the best results.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, there are innumerable ways you can safeguard your car when not in use for a year. The above article clearly illustrates some of the tips you can adopt like ceramic coating and the use of car covers.