Many people already have a wheelchair before they decide to take it. However, if possible, it is best to have a wheelchair designed and tested for use as a seat in vehicles.
These wheelchairs are called “portable” or sometimes called “failure testing.” You must ask if it has passed a crash test under ISO 7176, Section 19. Your wheelchair provider can advise you on this. It would be thoroughly if you constantly used a wheelchair headrest when traveling to reduce whiplash injury.
Using wheelchair bindings
It is necessary to use a complete wheelchair retention system and passenger retention system (WTORS) to secure the wheelchair and provide a well-designed and proven seat belt system.
This must be delivered with the vehicle. Please don’t buy a New or Used Car, and it does not have to provide full protection. The most common type of wheelchair connection uses four straps to secure the wheelchair to the vehicle. It usually consists of four sets of straps attached to the floor in the form of a guide or Cork and suitable for a wheelchair, two front and two rear.
To tighten the gap, rotate the wheelchair and do not tighten the strap on the retractor.
When installing the rear straps, before tightening the back straps, move the wheelchair backward to tighten the gap in the front straps. Please note that while the return of the seat can be useful for rotating the front ties, it also reduces the angle of the front screen and places the seat closer to the rear screed mounting points. Also, make sure that the buckle or mounting location does not rub against the wheelchair tire and be careful, to stand in the way of the battery wires.
Under no circumstances should the mounts ever be fixed to the seat wheels.
Use of holding system for wheelchair passengers
To protect the wheelchair user in a collision or sudden braking and minimize the risk of injury from contact with the vehicle, a three-point seatbelt on the hip and a diagonal seatbelt with pelvis and torso arches should be used.
This is similar to a normal car seatbelt but is often split into two parts to make it easier for individual components to be wheelchair-bound to ensure a good fit. The upper body belt is best if it has a high-top mounting point on the car body.
Never rely on the waist belt of a wheelchair unless there is an approved holding system for passengers. Retention systems should not be separated from the body by wheelchair components.
This is a short checklist of all the items you need to be sure of before you get behind the wheel of a wheelchair-accessible passenger car. If a car and wheelchair are injured in a car accident, don’t hesitate to get in touch with manufacturers to determine whether the devices require to be fixed or replaced.
Make sure you can sit comfortably and flat (without having to tilt your head) and look through the windows easily. Some WAV users carry their extra luggage in roof drawers or trailers. Note that most WAVs cannot be used to tow the trailer due to the change in the rear of the vehicle.